[bold]Dream of old times, but do not stop. Carry on the good and grow on the mistakes. [/bold]
In cooperation and for each other, we multiply values.
The Dosch team would like to thank you for the successful cooperation. With courage and confidence, we look to the future with you and together solve difficult tasks in 2020 as well.
We remain closed around the Christmas days, i.e. from [bold]21.12.19 to 05.01.2020.[/bold]
Mails that reach us during this time will be processed as soon as possible at the beginning of the new year. Additionally we will celebrate our christmas party on the 10.12.2019 and thus won’t be available starting noon that day. Of course we will be at your service again the following day.
This year we decided to send no greeting cards and gifts. We support the following organizations with our donation:
Kindernothilfe e.V .; Berliner Tafel e.V .; Die Arche – Christian Children’s and Youth Office e.V .; NFC Red-White Berlin 32 e.V.
[bold]We wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas, a reflective time and all the best for the coming year.[/bold]